Eusebius — The Church History

(Kregel Publications, 1999 - 416 pp., full-color hardcover).  This is a word-for-word translation of "the father of church history," who is the single greatest source of information on the crucial first three centuries of Christianity. Over 150 color photographs, maps, and illustrations, as well as commentary, make this not only the best but also the most readable translation of Eusebius to date.  Here we find answers to such questions as "When and where were the Gospels written?" "Did Peter ever get to Rome?" "What happened to John?" "Did Nero condemn St. Paul or set him free?" "How were the books selected for the New Testament?" and "Why were the early Christians persecuted?"


"There is no book more important to understanding the early church than Eusebius's The Church History. And there is no edition more readable and engaging than this one." -- Mark Galli, editor, Christianity Today

"This translation, along with the helpful introductions and commentary by Paul L. Maier makes early history come alive." -- Mark A. Noll, University of Notre Dame

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